Teaching Course - Module 2F - St James, Stretham, Cambridgeshire

Module 2F logo

About this course:

This course shows new and experienced teachers how to support their students and develop the necessary foundation skills for good ringing and then move forward to ringing changes. 


You will learn through a mixture of practical and classroom sessions

  • Foundation skills
  • Call Changes
  • Kaleidoscope ringing
  • Standing behind
  • Plain Hunting

The practical exercises approach learning in small structured steps and are delivered in a way that is entertaining for the new ringer whilst the theory sessions cover foundation skills, teaching theory, running practices, team building and how to motivate and retain your ringers.

Module 2F practical sessions have a greater focus on the foundation skills – how to teach call changes, an exploration of kaleidoscope ringing, and different ways to introduce covering and Plain Hunt.

Theory sessions include the development of coaching skills.


Delegates are advised to make their own arrangements such as bringing a packed lunch. There are local pubs nearby, but it is adviseable to phone ahead and order so that meals can be ready on arrival, ensuring that the afternoon session can be started promptly.

There may be some local costs on the day (tower donation) to cover use of the facilities and drinks.

Event Details

Event Start Sat 21-Sep-2019 09:00
Event End Sat 21-Sep-2019 17:00
Registration Closes
Fri 06-Sep-2019 12:00
Capacity 10
Registered 6
Available places 4
Event Fee £20 per attendee + local costs
Event Prerequisites The ability to ring plain hunt doubles on any bell, raise and lower in peal and demonstrate confident bell control whilst ringing.
Location St James, Stretham, Cambridgeshire