Teaching Course - Module 1- Marden, Kent

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About this course:

Suitable for those who already teach bell handling and want to update their skills AND for those who have never taught anyone to handle a bell, Module 1 provides you with the skills and techniques necessary to take a ringer from their first lesson to having competent bell control.

You will learn through a mixture of practical and classroom sessions:

  • How to teach a skill
  • How to break down bell handling into easy stages that the new ringer can master
  • About different learning types and how to adapt your teaching for them
  • The benefits of intensive teaching

The practical sessions will give you plenty of time to practise your new skills in a safe environment. Working in pairs you will also have opportunity to hone your observation skills and get feedback on your feedback.

 Delegates should bring a packed lunch or make their own arrangements, although hot drinks and biscuits will be available.

Event Details

Event Start Sat 06-Aug-2022 09:15
Event End Sat 06-Aug-2022 17:00
Registration Closes
Fri 22-Jul-2022
Capacity 12
Registered 12
Available places 0
Waiting List 3
Event Fee £20 per attendee + local donation to cover refreshments
Event Prerequisites You must be a bell-ringing teacher (or would-be teacher) aged 14 or over.
You must have sufficiently good bell control to be able to inspire confidence in others and an ability to comfortably raise and lower a bell.
Location St Michael and All Angels, Marden, Kent


Gill Hughes


Gill learned to ring as a teenager at a Church with a single bell hung for full circle ringing! It was a few years later that she first rang with others. Involved with Scouting and young people all her life, Gill organised Scout & Guide visits to the tower and so began teaching many young people to ring. Young ringers' camping trips followed and she became a tower grabber......open days and outings to start with, then organising her own ringing holidays and days out with other grabbers. Over 6,000 towers later she still enjoys travelling to new towers. A member of the CC Education Committee for many years she delivered the Teaching the Teachers Course. When Pip Penney (a member of the same CC Committee) proposed the forerunner to ART, Gill was keen to get involved, becoming a founder member, and with experience working in accounts she took on the role of treasurer. Gill particularly enjoys ringing quarter peals on both tower and handbells. She likes teaching all aspects of ringing and finding ways of introducing ringing to young people. She has taken the Lichfield Mobile Belfry, on four occasions, to the International Scout & Guide Camp at Chatsworth Park, giving thousands of young people an introduction to bellringing. Outside ringing Gill has a mentoring role in Scouting and is a keen gardener with a love of the countryside.

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